
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Isn't this thrilling???

Well hello! Whomever you are, reading this. I am attempting to write my first ever blog post. Isn't this thrilling???

Ok maybe I should back up and explain a few things. My name is Sharon and I live in NYC. I am an actress/singer/babysitter, and juggling all three can be a major challenge. So lets just throw planning a wedding in there just for fun!

Well it is fun, and challenging and exciting, but most of all thrilling. If you haven't guessed it yet. My absolute favorite word is thrilling. It's so classy, and it is such a good word for moments that are so wonderfully hard to describe. By definition it means:

producing sudden, strong, and deep emotion or excitement

My first encounter, and onset love of the word thrilling came in college. I had just been accepted into the coveted musical theater program, and was in rehearsal for my first show, Anything Goes. A classic Cole Porter musical of the 1930s. I was cast in the ensemble and one of my lines was, "Isn't this thrilling?" And it really struck a chord with me. It WAS thrilling to be at this place and point in my life. I had achieved something I had been working so hard for, I had met so many fabulous people and I was tremendously happy. 

So now 6 years later I am at another point in my life that I find fabulously thrilling. I am getting married to the most wonderful person I have ever met. He is everything I had ever hoped and dreamed my true love would be and MORE. I will be talking plenty about him on here so I won't get too mushy. But I will say he has excellent grammar and spelling skills, which I do not, so he will probably be proof reading. What a lucky girl I am :)

So in all the craziness that is my life; living in the craziest city, working long hours, pounding the pavement to get "discovered", I would like to step back and take a moment to look at my life, my love for my FI, the fact that he wants to spend the rest of his life with ME, and say, "Wow, isn't this thrilling?"

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